College Move-In

Hello loves! Moving into college can be a stressful, emotional, and difficult time for many people. However, the experience is also extremely exciting! For me, along with many others, move-in day was the first time you are meeting your roommate, the person you are going to be living with for at least a whole school year. …

Internet of Things

What is Internet of Things? Internet of Things is the interconnection via the internet of computing devices embedded in everyday objects, enabling them to send and receive data. Examples of Internet of Things include Smart Homes, or devices like the Amazon echo, Wearables, such as the Fitbit, Smart cities, like Barcelona, and Connected cars, such …

Website Design

Allow yourself to take a step back and look at every detail of a website and think about the user experience; was it interesting and set up well, and then the user interface; was it easy to use and navigate, did it have flaws that made the website confusing? But how can you tell these …

Net Neutrality

What is Net Neutrality? Net Neutrality is something everybody who uses the internet should be aware of. When you think of Net Neutrality what do you first imagine? Net Neutrality is the rules of the internet; it allows for the internet access and our communication on the internet to be free and open to all. …